- #How to send files to kindle paperwhite over usb how to
- #How to send files to kindle paperwhite over usb install
Personally, I think Paperwhite’s format support and email transfer service is a joke, for several reasons: If you’ve gotten this far without throwing the Kindle against a wall, pat yourself on the back. Attach the files from the folders in Step 18.Don’t forget to do this, or Amazon’s web conversion service will choke on the file(s), even though you’ve already converted them in Calibre. Enter “convert” (without the quotes) in the email subject line.In Gmail, compose an email to the address in Step 2.mobi output file (1 for each book) there.
For each book you converted, right-click on the title in Calibre’s library list.Click OK and wait for the conversion job(s) to complete.That’s right, Kindle Paperwhites – even with the newest firmware – choke on the new file type. Under Kindle options, select old in the MOBI file type: drop down menu if it wasn’t already selected by default.In the dialog box that follows, click MOBI in the Output Format drop down menu:ĭid you know Kindle Paperwhites don’t support the latest MOBI version? Thanks, Amazon.Mouse over Convert books and then click Convert individually or B ulk convert if you’re converting one book or multiple books, respectively.You’ll want to click Yes here due to the Paperwhite’s horribly limited format support. Click Yes in the dialog below, and then skip to Step 24:.Mouse over Connect/share and click Email to.If you’d rather email the files manually, skip to Step 13. When the books have appeared in your Calibre library, select the titles you want to email.If the book(s) you want to send aren’t already in the library folder Calibre had you select during Steps 3 to 5, click the Add Books drop down menu and select the appropriate option.Follow the rest of the Calibre setup wizard.Ĭalibre is updated weekly, so you’ll want check for updates each time before using it.Other email providers can be used, but Calibre makes it easiest to use Gmail. Otherwise: during the installation process, follow the prompts to enter the email address from Step 2 and set up email capability using your Gmail address from Step 1. If you do NOT wish to email your books directly from Calibre, skip to Step 5.
#How to send files to kindle paperwhite over usb install
Download and install Calibre, preferably the 64-bit build if you’re on Windows 圆4.On the same page as above, make a note of – after editing, if desired – your Kindle’s email address, found under the Send-to-Kindle Email Settings.
#How to send files to kindle paperwhite over usb how to
I had some trouble following Amazon’s writeup on how to do this, so I figured I’d write the guide that follows: Check out the Kindlebility bookmarklet and the Send to Kindle extension for Google Chrome if you’re interested.Situation: you have a bunch of DRM-free ebooks on your PC/Mac that you’d like to get to your Kindle Paperwhite, but you don’t have a USB cable handy to transfer them directly. We’ve also covered some ways to send files to your Kindle from your browser. If your Kindle supports audio, you can also place music and audiobooks into the Music and Audible folders.ĭocuments transferred to your Kindle in this way won’t be stored in your Kindle Personal Documents library or automatically transferred to your new Kindle. Just drag and drop ebooks and other documents to the Kindle’s Documents folder. After connecting your Kindle to your computer with its USB cable, you’ll find it available as its own drive letter in the Computer window. Transferring files to your Kindle doesn’t have to involve the cloud. Use the Actions button for a book if you want to delete it from your library or redeliver it to one of your Kindle devices. Just click the “ Personal Documents” link in the sidebar. You can view and manage your Personal Documents library on the Manage Your Kindle page. When you get a new Kindle, they’ll be automatically downloaded to your new Kindle, just like your purchased ebooks.
Managing Your Kindle Personal Documentsĭocuments sent to your Kindle using the Send to Kindle app or the email address are stored online in your Kindle Personal Documents library. You can email documents to instead of to ensure they’re delivered over Wi-Fi, which is free. Amazon pays wireless carriers for this service and charges a fee for Whispernet delivery. Warning: Documents sent to your address may be delivered over Whispernet. Once it’s added, you can email documents to your Kindle at the address that appears on the page. Only addresses on this list can send documents to your kindle. First, open the Manage Your Kindle page on Amazon’s website and click the “ Personal Document Settings” link under Your Kindle Account in the sidebar.Ĭlick the “ Add a New Approved Email Address” link and add your email addresses to the list. Before you can send any documents, you’ll have to set up your personal email address as an allowed sender.